
Back in Bournemouth

Hello hello,

I'm back in Bournemouth. I had a good journey. As far as you can say that when you travel by bus. I arrived in Knyveton Road at 10.30 and went to bed because I had school in the afternoon and turn down in the evening. But.. when my alarm woke me up, I wasn't fit enough to go and dicided to stay in my nice warm bed.

Finally could I come out of my bed and made myself some dinner and went to the Carlton. I changed my clothes and walked to the office. There was my manager waiting for somebody else. 'What are you doing here Fleur?' (I made the promise that I would call her when I couldn't be back on time to do the turn down - but I didn't call, so I came). 'I come to do the turn down, but I see you don't expect me, so I'll go home again.' After a short and very strange conversation was it clear to me that I didn't had to come back in the Carlton anymore. So I gave them my clothes back and said 'good bye'. Her last words were: 'But how was your HOLLIDAY anyway, Fleur?'

Fuck you, Carlton. (I didn't say it, but it lay on the top of my lips ).

After this minutes in the Carlton I went to Manja's flat. They made me dinner and I could spend the night in their flat. And to be honest.. I haven't been in Knyveton Road since that evening.
We went to the cinema, cooked delicious meals, drunk some wine, talked about life and love, watched a movie and just relaxxx. But I think I miss Knyveton Road, so I'll go home when I finish this blog.

Oh.. by the way.. it's weekend! You don't notice when you don't work, right? I'll ask my teacher on monday if I can go to school some days more. Maybe I can have the lessons I missed on another day. I'm a little afraid that I'll get bored when I'm sleeping and internetting the whole morning while everybody is working..

But first - weekend!

Next time more stories. I became a little boring as you can see. But everything is getting better. I'm looking for some energy. I already found some... so.... well...


(This is the third blog that I tell you that my next blog will be more fun).


xxx bye


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