
3th week in Bournemouth

Hello hello everybody overthere.
How are you doing?

In Bournemouth everything fine. I'll go one were I finished my last blog..

..so.. that evening I went out with Elody and Manon, to a collegue of Manon, called Sarah. A really nice German girl, who studies in Bournemouth. She had some real English housemates (it's rare in Bournemouth, because you usually met foreigners here. If you meet real English people, they are drunk or half naked, so you don't really feel like talking to them.)

Sarah lives in a pink studenthouse in the middle of Bournemouth. Really nice. We drunk some wodka and watched stupid English tv. We used to go out after, but that part of the evening never actually happened haha.

That sunday I went to Walkabout. It's an Australian bar. Nice music and just normal people (again something 'rare' inhere). It was Elody's last evening, so we partied till we couldn't dance anymore. The they after I had my best day as a housekeeper - ahum. But we're young and we want something..

When I came back from work, there she was.. my new roommate! She's not as fun as Elody used to be, but maybe it will change in a while.. You never know.

That monday I went to school and had a little chat with my teacher. I asked him if he thought that I was in the right class, because I fucked up my test because of my dislexion. By hearing that he smiled and said: 'I'll talk with the director and you'll hear from me next wednesday.' I met my new friends in front of school, because we always go to the moon after, and there he came: 'You'll go to the upper intermediate by wednessday.' So, I changed my English level in two weeks from INTERMEDIATE to UPPER INTERMEDIATE - I'm so fucking proud haha. No, just kidding. All that crap about levels is really about nothing. School is not really useful at English 2000. But well, I have fun and meet lots of new people.

I've been invited to come to Germany, Minorca, Marseille, Bourdeaux and Sweden this summer, so I guess I'll make some kind of European tour..

Yesterday I went to the pubnight again. And after, there was some little karaoke show in Bliss (were I'm right now). It was really funny. The schooldirector used to sing in a band. After the karaoke we went to TOKO. Always the same music, but we felt like dancing, you kwow.

Uhmm... do I have to tell you something else... About my job maybe? Housekeeping is still boring, but I do some turndowns in the evening. That's much better, but only for 1,5 or 2 hours an evening. Two or three evenings a week. I have to say: 'Joehoe.. housekeeping... would you like a bed turndown?' And then they say: 'No, thank you very much indeed.' Haha, foolish people. And then I laugh and go to the next room. If they say 'yes please', or if they are not in, then a open the bed, close the curtains and put the breakfastmenu on their bed.. Kind of an easy way to earn some extra money!

By the way.. this is my first weekend off. I'm going to Oxford tomorrow, with my German friend Manja and her flatmate, so it will be fun. I hope you can see the pictures next week or something.

You liked the other pictures?

So, I guess it's enough for today. You are up to date again and my fingers are broken.

I think I'm going to the H&M now, to buy myself some new clothes. I've my TNT money on my Dutch account! Yeah!

Goodbye..... have a lovely weekend and a big kiss for yah all.

(English people used to say it all the time: lovely!! My love, my dear blabla.. shut up, I'm not your love and not your dear, but I kinda like you too)



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